A good, long read (I’m only on page 8), Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis. It frustrates me to hear well-meaning politicians (Warren, Sanders, Franken) talk about everything that’s wrong, not fair, scolding people in committee hearings instead of holding them accountable and focusing on reparations. How many that got booted from their home in the mortgage crisis got it back? Elections should be put on hold when Florida has chads, hundred thousands are booted from Brooklyn registrations, and foreign tampering is discovered. Monies keep pouring into Trump hotels and no-one is doing anything about the emoluments clause. Why are politicians not fighting more for the jobs that these supposed tax cuts are supposed to create? (Because tax cuts don’t create jobs; demand creates jobs. Demand can’t be created if people don’t have money to buy stuff.) Why do we allow the American taxpayer to keep providing welfare to Walmart employees when the owners are rich beyond belief?
Backcountry Skis
Friends often ask what is the best backcountry ski to get. Backcountry skiing may be one of the most varied sports and terminology. Backcountry skiing ranges from mellow tours on golf courses to skinning in the wilderness or side-country and seeking the steeps. Webster’s definition of backcountry (all one word) is “a remote undeveloped rural area.” What we do with MOB and local friends in our Valley is primarily considered touring but there are the occasional steeps. Metal edges, fish scales, and three pin bindings are assumed. When we mention downhill backcountry, most people from other worlds think of alpine touring with fixed heels (Randonnée) instead of our downhill tele skis.
Karhu (now Madshus) was instrumental in developing products that met the “cross country / downhill” market with their XCDs, and the Guide and 10th Mountain were those first preferred by our crowd. This article, The Legendary Karhu XCD Guide/Madshus Annum, offers some perspective on conditions and performance. Even wider skis are now available.
Consequently, we often have a large quiver of BC skis. Briefly, below are the range of skis for the uses. The shape specs quoted may have been for a particular year and may now be slightly different, and you may also care about camber and tip rocker.
Madshus M68 (previously Epoch) (and previously Karhu 10th Mountain) is the narrowest we use at 99-68-84mm. Great for golf courses and backcountry touring where limited challenges will be anticipated. I use my leather boots on these and Deb uses plastic.

Madshus M78 (previously Annum) (and previously Karhu Guide) is next widest at 109-78-95mm. I gravitate to those below for most purposes but find that these are 1) great in the early and late season when snow is sketchier/thinner and we’re less likely to charge, and 2) the best value and versatility for easy touring/gentle downhill at a reasonable price point. (The Rossi BC 110 is also available in similar width at 110-78-95mm and now has tip rocker.)

The Rossi BC 125 (sadly, no longer made) has been my most utilized ski with dimensions 123-95-120mm (165cm), and now with tip rocker. Great for our local areas where we might tour five miles (90% of the activity) to get to some sweet medium steeps (10%) at (our local) Squaw Valley, I have also found myself using these on some of the Woodward and Bolton-Trapp tours where a larger percentage of the excursion is also touring. I’m happy to sacrifice some downhill performance for the convenience of not having to depend solely on skins for the uphill. When I have taken my true downhill (tele) skis, I end up glomming them up with wax for some of the mellower uphills on the exit route when herringboning starts to get tiring.

The Voile line likely offers the best performance for all around touring and steep backcountry, but is significantly higher priced, ballpark $700. Its tip rocker facilitates the small radius turns. It’s fishscale climbing pattern is superior to the other brands noted. There are now two great choices. The V6, replacing the Vector and Charger, has dimensions at the 163cm length of 126-96-108mm. The UltraVector is slightly lighter and narrower with 123-92-108mm at 164cm and offers the first 154cm length that I’m aware of!

The manufacturers will try to put a heavier person on longer skis, but the shortest lengths, typically 165cm, are usually appropriate for the women unless you are really good at turning in crud. I won’t get too much into the physics, but longer ski = better glide, shorter ski = better turn. These skis can be used in tracks but are slightly too wide and will damage the tracks as well as be slower than track-appropriate skis. Heavier weight on the ski may wear it out faster, but likely only if you are really pressing in the steeps.
Leather boots are fine for touring. Plastic boots are better on the wider (beefier) skis and when some turning and moderate downhill is likely–when you want more control. Garmont Excursions (now Scott), <$300, and Scarpa T3 (no longer available) and T4, >$400 are the plastic brands. I no longer see Excursions offered on the Scott website, but you can likely find them on retailer sites. Many people with wider feet prefer the Garmont, but I have found that a Scarpa fits a C-width fine and has a nicer/snugger heel cup. Heavier tele boots are fine, too–just heavier; what Trish uses because that’s what she has!
The Voile Hardwire 3-Pin, sometimes available at Clearwater Sports is the “standard” binding choice. It can be skied with or without the wire. Although you could get by with the Voile HD Mountaineer 3-Pin for lightweight use. G3 Targa Ascents (no longer available) and Voile Switchback and Switchback X2 with pivoting toe are good for climbing the steeps.
You may want a riser with climbing posts for steeper climbs if it doesn’t already come with the binding.
My preferred skins (not needed if you are only touring) are Black Diamond Ascension. Make sure the tip loop is large enough if you have rounded-tip skis. Also, IMO the ski tail width (or slightly narrower) is a sufficient width for the skin (vs. tip width) as much of the middle/waist will be trimmed.
My preferred poles are Black Diamond 2-piece carbon (~$110) or aluminum with FlickLock adjustment.
Lastly, don’t forget about safety, and modify what you carry based on the length of your excursion, the distance from civilization, and the type of conditions you might encounter. This is by no means comprehensive and only one link I ran across, but consider carrying some repair items as well as your first aid kit, hydration, and extra clothing.
Outdoor Gear Exchange in Burlington
Onion River Outdoors in Montpelier
Clearwater Sports in Waitsfield
Happy touring!
Partially updated 12/20/23.
Constitutional Crisis vs. Hardball/Powerplays
Well-written article on how norms are shifted without violating the Constitution.
Earth’s Beauty and Resources
We need more attention to Earth’s beauty and resources in political arenas.
Interior Dept Memo on DAPL
It would seem that the justification to not allow the pipeline to route through the city should apply everywhere—too much risk.
Back-Country Tour at Sterling Ridge
with Scott and Patty